Organic Vs Artificial

Presented by Geraldine orozco
In this webinar we will cover
Geraldine Orozco, an Epigenetic Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Speaker, Coach and Consultant.
Transhumanism: Organic vs. Artificial
Geraldine is going to take us on a trip of possibility on our road to that beautiful new world Dr. Buttar was always telling us about.
There will be challenges, mentally and spiritually as we navigate the ever rapidly evolving and growing world into the Quantum.
We will have a choice between our spiritual self and the connection to the higher loving intelligence that most have been tuned out of.
Or the technological, artificial intelligence that may come in a physical form to manipulate us into this Quantum era.
Also, as it ties into Transhumanism we will see where the conversation takes us and look at Period 9 and the higher Octave we have recently entered.
If there ever was a webinar to take a glimpse into our future… this is not one to miss!
After our webinar, since it will be Tuesday night, we will also have a short meditation, and we can practice getting in touch with our organic spiritual selves

Feel Called to go deeper?
Schedule a 1x1 session with Geraldine.
Experience profound transformation in a practical and integrated way.
1 hr 30 min
1 hr 30 min
3 hr 30 min