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Geraldine Orozco
6 min read
Why you need to Align your Chakras NOW
If you’re feeling run down, lacking in energy, depressed or unhealthy, it’s possible that your chakras are out of alignment. Maintaining...

4 min read
Spiritual Resilliance
The Eb and flow of evolution is like sitting on the foreshore of the beach, New lessons come in waves, sometimes gentle, sometimes...

Geraldine Orozco
14 min read
The Purification of Scorpionic Energy in 5D
Once you are in contact with scorpion energy, it means that your soul is ready to get moving. We are approaching a Pink Full moon on...

Bay Area Meditation
7 min read
3Days of Silence, Preparing to Cross Over & A Message From Source
I I just returned from 3 days of silence and it was a powerful experience, to say the least. It was important to me to begin this year,...

2 min read
Birth and Death... Here's to both!
To my readers. There are no words that could sum up this year. As I take a very long deep breath. I feel blessed to be celebrating this...

Bay Area Meditation
2 min read
Clearing Holiday Stress & Cutting Cords
I had awesome questions during our session yesterday regarding cutting cords: Question: Can cords be positive at times? Answer: E....

BayArea Meditation
4 min read
New Years 8 Day Cyber Meditation Retreat + 3 day silent retreat - Join me Jan 1-8
Silence Speaks Louder Than Words or Actions -Join me in welcoming the new year in silence, holding a powerful new vibration. I will be...

1 min read
Eliminate Illness From The Body
people have been writing me about being very sick this season. Here is a healing technique that I use when I want to eliminate sickness from

BayArea Meditation
1 min read
Learn my 15 min Source Re-Alignment GPAC
Learn my 15 min Source Re-Alignment wherever you are, practice the basics of energetic hygiene, protection and empowerment to thrive...

BayArea Meditation
2 min read
Geraldine Orozco at MUFON SONOMA - Abductions, DNA Origins & The Hybridization Program
DECEMBER 2, 2017 at 5pm, Petaluma Senior Center for Our 7th Annual UFO HOLIDAY POTLUCK PARTY & 'GREEN ALIEN' GIFT EXCHANGE PLUS Speaker...

BayArea Meditation
1 min read
Alba Weinman #178 - A Message to the Seekers
I share this information with you with love and respect, with hopes that this information can bring light to parts of our duality which...

1 min read
Cut Cords All the Time
Your about to go to sleep after a long hard day at work. You've put a lot into your day. A million thoughts and worries cross your mind....
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