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Geraldine Orozco
3 min read
8 Ways To Overcome Toxic Shame
Shame is a very powerful emotion that when not acknowledged and processed fully within us can paralyze our lives, Emotionally,...

4 min read
Spiritual Resilliance
The Eb and flow of evolution is like sitting on the foreshore of the beach, New lessons come in waves, sometimes gentle, sometimes...

Geraldine Orozco
5 min read
Training The Body for 5D
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the work I do is teach how to train the body to hold higher strands of DNA and Vibration....

Geraldine Orozco
3 min read
The Spiritual You on SpacedOutRadio 4-3-2018 -join me!
So much has happened since we last connected my friends I cant even begin to tell you all the exciting projects I have in store for you...
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