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Wed, Oct 02



Reparenting The Inner Child - innocence - the key to unity consciousness

Healing Our relationship with the Feminine & Masculine Earth & the Universe The Key to Inter/outer Unity & Harmony

Reparenting The Inner Child - innocence  - the key to unity consciousness
Reparenting The Inner Child - innocence  - the key to unity consciousness

Time & Location

Oct 02, 2024, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PDT


About the event

The  Inner child is the one of the most powerful elements of the human  psyche next to the ego. These two play a massive role in the expansion  and contraction of our multidimensional body.

they play a pivotal role in how we hold space in the world and how we harmonize internally and with the external.

The wounded inner child is the embodiment of separation. The separation from the maturity of the universal consciousness

the maturity of the balanced yin and yang. feminine and masculine creation and destruction.

These parts of ourselves when wounded create a biochemical addiction to contraction through generational trauma

we are also repeating relationship patterns of suffering and fear.

The human once integrated can see beyond this separation into the clarity of their creative potential.

In  this session we review the impact of the wounded inner child and  identify the effects on our lives in order to heal and transence  limiting beliefs and contracting centrifugal energy expressions that  create illness and counter creation.

the wounded child becomes the parasite that seeks to be cared for in an endless yearning for oneness.

Join me on this powerful journey to rediscover the parts that keep repeating in  self sabotage and pain.

Once  we identify this we go into a group hypnosis to begin to work on the  intricate and delicate elements of our inner child. revisiting past life  trauma, future life fears and healing our present life connections with  the divine.

We are also reunifying the separation between ourselves and nature, the light and co-creation.

I can't wait to work with you on this powerful internal journey.

Reparenting The Inner Child

  • Understanding love
  • who is the parent
  • Matrix codependency
  • immaturity and maturity
  • The mother
  • the father
  • the child
  • Shame and Guilt
  • Fear And loneliness
  • power and disempowerment
  • isolation and unity
  • independence and interdependence
  • religious influence
  • spiritual trauma and resentment
  • parental resentment
  • generational sex trauma
  • wounded feminine
  • wounded masculine
  • healing the earth as a parent
  • changing timelines with the inner child
  • starseed memory through the inner child
  • recovering intuition as the inner child heals
  • recovering innocence
  • becoming the new human
  • unity consciousness

Universal Harmony


  • Inner child workbook
  • Unlimited Replay
  • mp3 induction for further work
  • guided meditation and tapping for inner child healing



  • inner child




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