Apartekoa: Hazia
Bahiketak. Ugalketa esperimentuak. Haurrak planetatik kanpo ikusi izanaren oroitzapenak. Gizakien programa hibrido arrotz batean parte hartzearen ideia zentzugabea dirudi hura bizi izan dutenekin hitz egin arte. Mundu osoko milaka pertsonak beren borondatearen aurka ugalketa esperimentuak egin dituzte. Lotsagarriena? Azaldu gabeko haurdunaldiak etetea. Oroitzapenak zapalduta eta zatituta geratzen dira, eta esperientziak nahastuta, etsita eta galera sentimendu sakonarekin uzten dituzte. Beste batzuetan, oroitzapenak erraberak eta emozionalki kezkagarriak dira. Onarpen handiagoari esker, jende gehiago gerturatzen da bere esperientzia beldurgarriekin. Atzerritarrek parte hartzen al dute gizakiak populazio hibrido bat lantzeko hibridazio proiektu konplexu batean? Apartekoa: Seeding-ek istorio hauek kontatzen ditu bahitutako pertsona batzuekin egindako elkarrizketen bidez, istorio pertsonal eta emozional biziak partekatzen dituzten pertsona ausartak. Ufologiako mundu mailako adituekin egindako azterketaren bidez, filmak hibridazioa, zergatik gertatzen den eta gizateriarengan duen eragina ere aztertzen ditu. Aurkeztutako informazioak ikusleak hezteko, entretenitzeko eta ikusleak galdera sinple bat egitera bultzatu nahi ditu: eta hori guztia egia bada?
Ikusi Filma Orain
Inter-dimensional Contact
Geraldine Orozco is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, Epigenetic Psychotherapist, M.T. meditation teacher, N.L.P. neurolinguistics practitioner, mindfulness-based stress reduction therapist, M.B.S.R. Qigong teacher and owner of Bay Area Meditation in San Francisco, she offers virtual corporate meditation programs internationally.
He has 15 years of experience in the arts of holistic energy healing with certifications of advanced pranic healing, quantum energy healing and studied for several years with a shamanic energy healer.
In 2013, Geraldine experienced a life-changing conscious interdimensional contact experience that resulted in the activation of the psychic abilities of the multidimensional body and the energy field. In 2017, Geraldine underwent hypnotic regression therapy. The regressions confirmed a lifetime contact history. Geraldine uses her deep understanding of the multidimensional body and life force manifestation on the 3D physical plane. It is able to see experiential agreements of trauma, fragmentation, Akashic records, energy stagnation in etheric bodies. He created a healing modality called DNA reprogramming, a modality of epigenetic psychotherapy to access, identify, heal and transmute trauma fragmentation.
Geraldine is now dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge of biophysical architecture, hybridization programs and the re-examination of the common dogma of human genetic timelines, historical recording and the advanced healing of human biological structure. She is currently writing his first book. The origins of DNA and the Human Hybridization Program.
Founder of HybridMother.com, an international research and support group for experimenters and contactees of identification phenomena.
She is on the board of directors of O.P.U.S., the Organization for Comprehension and Support of Paranormal Sciences.
Geraldine's story is now part of the 16-time award-winning documentary called "Exerary The Seeding"
She is a radio presenter, artist, international speaker and Youtuber YouTube.com/geraldineorozco
You can schedule an individual session on their website Geraldineorozco.com