
In this webinar we will cover
The most powerful transformative month of year this is the month to do the internal work. Connect with your higher self and anchor source into the body mind and soul.
Join in recovering the memory of who you are.
clear energy blockages in the body.
integrate ancestral fragments
travel to source of your highest knowing
open a gateway of communication with your highest self.
heal from past resistance.
release the past and bring your fractals into the present.
alchemize your fear into love
learn to love unconditionally.
access your deeper wisdom
awaken dormant states of life force.
heal DNA
open your star-seed history
open pathways of blocked creative life force
anchor abundance and align yourself with your highest potential in the present
Recover your memory of who you are
Group Hypnosis - for an hour
lecture on the activation of DNA and using cosmic events for healing