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Bay Area Meditation

Why it's hard to love yourself


Happy Friday

When we meditate and experience the internal universe and the connection and oneness that we all are. We finally start to come full circle back to a state of wholeness and appreciation for our true nature.

Since childhood we recognize the world as, not such a welcoming environment. Immediately we realize that it is not in alignment with our true nature. Causing us #confusion and self doubt #Pain and #separation from our-self as we begin to mimic the outside world we see everyone's attempt to "fit in" and externalize what we feel and think. We are blinded by our fear, and cannot see that it is in fact the cause of our seperation.

When I first talk about self love there is a huge amount of rejection as our hypocritical society, beliefs and religions have caused us, through conditioning, to believe that "self love" is a narcissistic and self involved act. That it is selfish. However as we are entering a #newparadigm of consciousness we are beginning to understand that self love means knowing yourself, enjoying and valuing yourself, understanding yourself, recognizing your gifts and talents and putting them to good use, acknowledging your flaws and forgiving yourself for them. Among other things it is the basis of healing. All aspect of our lives are affected by our ability to see our true potential.

Since childhood we recognize the world as, not such a welcoming environment. Immediately we realize that it is not in alignment with our true nature. Causing us #confusion and self doubt #Pain and#seperation from our-self as we begin to mimic the outside world we see everyones attempt to "fit in" and externalize what we feel and think. We are blinded by our fear, and cannot see that it is in fact the cause of our separation. This is where we start to look for approval and validation in others around us asking for our natural born empowerment and sense of knowing to be returned to us.

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#meditation #awake #chakrasalign#intention #loveyourself #change#evolution #beautiful #believe#trustthheuniverse #liveintheflow#abundance #vitality #health #organic#manifestation #creation #delicious#mindfulnes #creation #manifestations#affirmations #iam #letsunite #peace#groupmeditation #universe

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