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Powerful Alchemy

Exact angles Pyramids have a strong ionization effect within the body. Negative ions enhance the oxygen intake of the human body and through that, strengthen well-being.


The pineal gland, or third eye, is located in the geometric center of the brain. This correlates to the location of the Great Pyramid in the center of the physical planet. It is the center for the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is implicated in a wide range of human activities. It regulates daily body rhythms, most notably the day/night cycle (circadian rhythms).


Environmental stresses affect pineal function, impacting overall body alertness, temperature levels, and hormone operation. Stresses that affect pineal function include unusual light and dark rhythms, radiation, magnetic fields, nutritional imbalances, temperature swings, high altitude, and overall daily stress patterns. Pyramid is a cosmic antenna. It flows three times more cosmic energy. Head Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body. A pyramid energy puts a mind into a theta-alpha state. Meditation Meditation with a Pyramid helps you focus, relax and reach deeper states of meditation. Its the perfect tool for any meditation type. Use the Pyramid energy for physical – spiritual healing,manifestation and focus. Consciousness is what creates the different frequencies, allowing us to manifest reality and create different things and see things differently. Once you tap in to the pyramid energy source, pineal gland activation, chakra meditation, you activate your True Self and can begin to see this energy for what it is.


Effects of Pyramid meditation may include: A sense of weightlessness Electric-like tingling sensations. Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body. Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions. Dreams with vivid colors and graphic visions. External stimuli, sight and sounds particularly fade away. Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels Energizing Pyramids are powerful at creating prosperity, cleansing and empowering crystals, healing chakras, positively charging and cleansing any space they are placed and bringing peace and calm into the home.

10 ft Copper Meditaiton Pyramid- Kit

SKU: 364215376135199
$1,600.00 Regular Price
$960.00Sale Price
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