Powerful Resources to Support Your Internal Harmony
Emotional & Energy Cultivation

Geraldine teaches the basics of medication and how to cultivate life force through your body on a daily basis.
In this Series Geraldine Teaches deep internal practices of Self Healing and Regeneration. Subscribe like and share! for more support visit geraldineorozco.com
31 Days Introduction to the Energy Body
Geraldine takes you on a deep dive into the Energy body as a deep introduction of the energy body. You learn to work with the energy body over these next 31 days! Lets Get started.
30 Days Grow Your Energy Field
Geraldine teaches to Strengthen and Expand Your Light body with this riveting and beautiful 30 day Challenge.
completed by over 11000 participants this Series is our best seller available to you for free. Access the material by registering on GeraldineOrozco.com Geraldine guides you through 30 days of deep internal alchemy to transform your mind body and soul. lets get started!
Inner Child Healing
Learn To Process Emotions

In this series Geraldine will review fundamental and advanced tools to deep dive into our emotions. Healing past trauma. And Mastering our understanding of them. Lets Get Started!

Geraldine teaches the basics of medication and how to cultivate life force through your body on a daily basis.

In this Series Geraldine Teaches deep internal practices of Self Healing and Regeneration. Subscribe like and share! for more support visit geraldineorozco.com
Primordial Life Force Cultivation
Learn To Process Emotions
In this series Geraldine will review fundamental and advanced tools to deep dive into our emotions. Healing past trauma. And Mastering our understanding of them. Lets Get Started!
Learn To Process Emotions
In this series Geraldine will review fundamental and advanced tools to deep dive into our emotions. Healing past trauma. And Mastering our understanding of them. Lets Get Started!
Learn To Process Emotions

In this series Geraldine will review fundamental and advanced tools to deep dive into our emotions. Healing past trauma. And Mastering our understanding of them. Lets Get Started!
Learn To Process Emotions
In this series Geraldine will review fundamental and advanced tools to deep dive into our emotions. Healing past trauma. And Mastering our understanding of them. Lets Get Started!

Geraldine teaches the basics of medication and how to cultivate life force through your body on a daily basis.

In this Series Geraldine Teaches deep internal practices of Self Healing and Regeneration. Subscribe like and share! for more support visit geraldineorozco.com