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Ascension - A Gathering in Los Angeles w/ Alba Weinman

I am so Excited to be in LA please Join us for a full day of deep healing, self discovery, and connection.

Uniting a collection of High Vibrational souls. October 21, 2018

We have created a very special event dedicated to the

light worker, the healer and the conscious seeker,

All those looking to connect, & advance in their healing and ascension Journey.

- Experience a transformative Group Regression - Discover . Share . Integrate . Develop New Friendships

- Connect with a specially curated forum to assist your self discovery journey. - Experience a Powerful DNA Reprogramming Target and identify Life blockages - Release - Heal and Reintegrate Fractals of the soul. - Learn to eliminate blockages, entities and cut toxic connection cords as we heal our life experiences and relationships-. - Learn advanced protection and clearing techniques to enhance your every day life. - Global Ascension Mass Meditation - Aired Live

High vibrational Lunch Provided in Separate dining ballroom

The Time is NOW - Lets Do the Work Together - We are more powerful as one!

What you will need 1. Yoga Mat 2. Blanket 3. Pillow 4. Comfortable clothing

Tentative Overview: 8 am - Registration 9 am - Start Forum A 12 pm - Lunch Session 2 Networking Closing Ceremony and Global Live Mass Meditation.

We thank you for your interested and we look forward to

connecting with each and every one of you! all my love!! buy your tickets today!

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